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HTTPS certificate for Hyperscale (OpenShift)

By default, Hyperscale creates a unique self-signed certificate to enable HTTPS when starting for the first time. This certificate and private key are configured in the values.yaml file under:


To use your own certificates, these default values need to be replaced. They are Base64 encoded values of the certificate and key respectively. 

You may need to contact your IT team to get the corresponding certificate files.

  • To generate the Base64 encoded value of the certificate, run the following command:

    cat my_cert_file.cert | base64 -w 0
  • To generate the Base64 encoded value of the key, run the following command:

    cat my_private_key.key | base64 -w 0

After changing the crt and key values in values.yaml file, run the HELM upgrade and restart the proxy service. Run the following command to restart proxy service:

kubectl rollout restart deployment proxy -n <hyperscale-namespace>

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