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Host requirements (OpenShift)


Host Requirement



A user (example: hyperscale_os) with the following permissions is required:

  • Permission to run helm commands

  • Permission to run oc commands

These permissions are required to be able to install helm charts and manage the OpenShift resources.

Staging area directory permissions

The staging area directory requires the following permissions based on the UID/GID of the OS user so that the Hyperscale Compliance Orchestrator and the Continuous Compliance Engine(s) can perform read/write/execute operations on the staging area:

  • If the Hyperscale Compliance OS user has a UID of 65436, then the staging area directory must have a UID of 65436 and 700 permission mode.

  • If the Hyperscale Compliance OS user has a GID of 50 and does not have a UID of 65436, then the staging area directory must have a GID of 50 and 770 permission mode.

These permissions on the staging area directory are required for the Hyperscale Compliance containers and the continuous compliance engines to be able to read/write into the staging area.

Installation Directory

A directory to download and manage helm charts.

Hardware Requirements


8 vCPU, 64 GB of memory, 50GB OS disk.


16 vCPU, 128GB of memory, 50GB OS disk.

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