Fixed issues
This section describes the issues fixed in Hyperscale Compliance.
Release 2025.2.0
Key | Summary |
HM-83 | Fixed a bug that allowed negative split_size values in a POST/PUT dataset API endpoint. |
HM-4171 | MSSQL: Resolved an issue that caused a NullPointerException error when loading data to a target database with a computed column. |
Release 2025.1.0
Key | Summary |
HM-2593 | MSSQL: Hyperscale tries to drop unwanted constraints/indexes/triggers of the auto-selected referenced table which causes referential integrity issues. |
HM-4046 | Oracle: Hyperscale tries to drop unwanted constraints/indexes/triggers of the auto-selected referenced table which can then cause performance issues if the table has references. |
HM-4049 | Hyperscale MSSQL row count not matching with the effective unloaded rows. |
HM-4054 | Oracle: The NOVALIDATE option is not preserved when enabling back constraints in post load. |
Release 27.0.0
Key | Summary |
ECO-10949 | When using file connectors, you are no longer required to amend the unload container environment variable USER_PROVIDED_FORMAT_FILE to USER_PROVIDED_FORMAT_FILES in unload-deployment.yaml. |
HM-3954 | MSSQL: Fixed an issue where empty char and varchar were unloaded as a "" value. |
HM-3956 | MSSQL: Fixed an issue where leading and trailing whitespaces from a source table were not correctly loaded to the target table. |
Release 26.0.0
Key | Summary |
HM-3891 | When masking in Hyperscale, if there were fewer split files (number of masking jobs on Continuous Compliance engines) than configured Continuous Compliance engines, this slowed down the masking process as the Hyperscale engine was unable to distribute jobs across multiple Continuous Compliance engines. |
HM-3917 | MSSQL: Fixed an issue where, for some users, column sequences were altered after recreating a clustered index. |
HM-3934 | MSSQL: Resolved an issue where the application expected all of the columns of related composite foreign keys to be present in the data set. This issue caused Hyperscale jobs to fail when composite primary or unique keys were partially masked. (Note, not all of the composite key's columns were masked). |
HM-3939 | MSSQL: When loading data to a target database, an error message was returned because the "null" string value was interpreted as a NULL value. This issue is now fixed. |
ECO-569 | Resolved an issue that prevented the file connector |
ECO-9105 | Global Spark context is not allowing multiple jobs to maintain their session specific credentials. |
Release 25.0.0
There are no fixed issues in this release.
Release 24.0.0
Key | Summary |
HM-3685 | MSSQL: The JDWP (Java debug wire protocol) debugging configuration caused the unload service to fail startup on hosts that did not support IPv6. |
HM-3708 | MSSQL: Unload having filter key of datetime type failed with Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.text.StringSubstitutor |
HM-3733 | MSSQL: The masking date/timestamp column would only work when using the default date format. |
HM-3740 | MSSQL: Fixed an issue that caused MSSQL jobs to fail at load service if the target database table had a column with "Time" datatype. |
HM-3756 | MSSQL - Masking stuck in 'Running' for table with no unique/primary key. |
HM-3775 | Resolved an issue with Hyperscale Oracle Connector that caused jobs to fail in load service. This error: "Process terminated with exit code 2" occurred if data contained enclosure characters that got truncated during masking with Continuous Compliance versions 20.0.0 to 26.0.0. |
Release 23.0.0
Key | Summary |
HSC-740 | Replace Oracle JDK-21 with openjdk17 |
HM-3554 | [MSSQL]-FILLFACTOR attribute is not included while recreating index on post load |
HM-3630 | Unload failed with date format exception for "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE" and "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE" data types column |
HM-3678 | MSSQL- Unable to truncate table if having view references |
Release 22.0.0
Key | Summary |
HM-3530 | Hyperscale Masking Hangs due to WARNING job status introduced in CC v22 |
HM-3549 | Hyperscale Job failed during masking phase with "String index out of range" error with continuous compliance version between 20.0.0 to 23.0.0 |
HM-3557 | HS Job execution stuck in RUNNING state if Masking Task has completely FAILED and number of rows masked > 0 |
HM-3560 | MSSQL: Failed to load data in date type column if timestamp column is also present in table. |
HSC-713 | Parquet connector > failing to write data: For connector-type = FS, an intermittent issue exists where target files generated are not parquet files. For connector-type = AWS, source file name containing the substring "part-", result in empty target file |
Release 21.0.0
There are no fixed issues in this release.
Release 20.0.0
Key | Summary |
HSC-550 | Parquet connector will be able to process decimal type of data as well |
HSC-558 | Delimited load service with “perform_join=false” fails for multiple source files in a single data set for S3 target location. |
Release 19.0.0
Key | Summary |
HM-3215 | Masking service container json log grows too large and the huge log may cause controller service down because of local filesystem full |
HSC-525 | Delimited unload service for multiple source files for a single source key is being FAILED by the controller |
Release 18.0.0
Key | Summary |
HM-3100 | Index creation on Local Partition table fails with ORA-14024 |
HSC-454 | With pySpark we are removing the leading space for numbers |
Release 17.0.0
Key | Summary |
HM-1705 | Improper error message in Hyperscale status response if CCE gets mount file system connection error |
HM-2962 | Incorrect gathering target table group list in case of the table refered from other tables. |
HSC-176 | Delimited connector: values with data type double and int64 will always be converted into a string |
HSC-177 | Delimited connector: Irrespective of user provided enclosure character, the output strings will be quoted using double quotes |
HSC-279 | Wrong counts in Unload: Using HS 14 delimited file connector, while masking two files in the dataset, job shows failed status, because the counts are all wrong |
HSC-286 | Load failed because the SQLite3 database locked up. Masking 15 files with the same data set. Unload has the wrong count. |
HSC-361 | Hyperscale delimited connector should not add double quotes to output file |
Release 16.0.0
Key | Summary |
HM-2748 | Unable to upload sync bundle of more than 20 MB |
Release 15.0.0
Key | Summary |
HM-2505 | ServiceUnavailableException in Masking Service as numeric value out of range |
HM-2554 | Missing security context causes controller to fail with permission denied for JDBC connection to SQLite DB |
HM-2609 | Configuration added to load empty values of oracle CLOB/BLOB columns as null or empty string |
Release 14.0.0
Key | Summary |
HSC-182 | 400 Bad Request from POST http://unload-service:8080/api/unload |
HM-2413 | NTRS: Pre Load failed with errors: Error executing statement: Error disabling constraint |
HM-2505 | ServiceUnavailableException in Masking Service as numeric value out of range |
HM-2554 | Missing security context causes controller to fail with permission denied for JDBC connection to SQLite DB |
HM-2568 | Hyperscale API's working without auth key in k8s setup |
Release 13.0.0
Key | Summary |
HSC-178 | Delimited load service will show the status as FAILED while it is waiting for all split files to be masked in order to perform join. |
HSC-179 | While executing masking against a 1.1 TB second time, the load job failed mid-execution. |
HM-2399 | MSSQL: The lower bound of partitioning column is larger than the upper bound. |
HM-2443 | Masking service is mapping the wrong file metadata when multiple data_info objects with varying delimiters are passed during data-sets creation. |
Release 12.0.0
Key | Summary |
HM-2268 | Add support to configure FileMetadata related characters for structured (i.e. XML) data |
HM-2344 | sync-compliance-engine endpoint failing with "Invalid input" error |
HM-2399 | MSSQL: The lower bound of partitioning column is larger than the upper bound. |
Release 11.0.0
There are no fixed issues in this release.
Release 10.0.0
Key | Summary |
HM-1360 | Job is created with default value of 'retain_execution_data' parameter if an invalid value for the same parameter is passed while creating the job object |
HM-2041 | Capture high-level processing timings for each process for each object |
HM-2084 | cancel script ( ) does not read values from .env file |
HM-2199 | Masking service paginated GET call, skip the result of last page |
Release 9.0.0
Key | Summary |
HM-1845 | java.sql.SQLException: Protocol violation While fetching metadata of the table |
HM-1980 | Post load status incorrectly reporting consolidated start and end timing. |
HM-2017 | The masking process is stuck in running when a newly registered engine is used in execution after the timeout time of the Engine |
Release 8.0.0
Key | Summary |
HM-1606 | When tables have more than 100 columns on Oracle, the default API page at 100 causes an issue where we don't match the column name via the masking API |
HM-1787 | Oracle: Load service holds a lock on class level, causing parallel jobs stuck in the flow of preload |
HM-1814 | MSSQL: Load service holds the lock on class level, causing parallel jobs stuck in the flow of preload |
Key | Summary |
HM-1617 | Oracle - Hyperscale engine fails to mark partitions of the partitioned index as unusable in pre-load and fails to rebuild a partitioned index in post load leaving indexes in an unusable state |
HM-1684 | Running multiple Hyperscale jobs in parallel, using the same set of Masking Engines and the same value of env_name_prefix and app_name_prefix can cause job failure with the missing ruleset, any other masking objects, or execution error. |
Key | Summary |
HM-1513 | MSSQL - Slowness while performing load with large tables( more than 4M rows and 10 Columns) |
HM-1521 | MSSQL - Post load fails with 'transaction log is full due to 'ACTIVE_TRANSACTION' for large tables |
HM-1608 | SQLLDR doesn't load the data when the table has enabled triggers owned by a different user |
HM-1645 | Failed clean up of previous execution causes "\"File Format already exists with identifier: HYPERSCALE_16_9fd11fae45861fdb18fb658fb950ceab.fmt\" issue for next execution of same job |
HM-1656 | nginx configuration client max body size limits the size of the payload to post for the dataset |
Key | Summary |
HM-1561 | Oracle Load Failure: SQL loader control files doesn't contain character length when column size is less than 256 CHAR |
Key | Summary |
HM-971 | For HTTP protocol-type requests, trust store fields are accepted and displayed in response. |
HM-1472 | Oracle Unload service doesn't release the lock if fails to initialize the connection pool and the job stuck in a runnning state |
HM-1520 | Masking service: Starting execution throwing NPE after container restart |
HM-1522 | Update Oracle JDBC Driver to |
Release 4.1.0
Key | Summary |
HM-1155 | Diagnosability: How do I tell which masking job on the masking engine relates to the failed message on the HS Jobs API status |
HM-1168 | The error text in Post Load failures is misleading/unclear |
HM-1191 | Optimization: We should execute Select Count (*) in parallel to the Oracle Unload process. It could take a significant amount of time to count data in large tables as well as 1000 objects. |
HM-1201 | Unable to import a ruleset with 5000 tables to HS 4.0, getting an error message. |
HM-1210 | While trying to process an HS job for 5000 table schema, ran out of Oracle cursor, and then the SQLite database locked up. |
HM-1265 | Oracle - Any index on a column having no constraint on it, is not getting dropped |
HM-1334 | Can't drop the index, because the index is not owned by the user we used to connect. |
HM-1378 | Oracle - Load service needs to include index owner name when attempting to modify/rebuild partition indexes owned by different db user |
Release 4.0.0
Key | Summary |
HM-177 | Able to POST /hyperscale-masking/jobs with min job memory > max job memory |
HM-530 | POST/PUT request dataSet API error response received with empty/missing/invalid ‘source’/’target’ object/values can be improved |
HM-754 | POST/PUT connector jdbc_url, username, and password should be mandatory for Oracle load and unload service |
HM-789 | Error message upon not setting the ‘SSL’ field to False indicates ‘insecure_ssl’ property which no longer exists in the schema |
HM-858 | Status of sub-task coming wrong when overall execution failed |
HM-932 | Suppress the password message for the controller log |
HM-1138 | The description in the swagger doesn’t match the API call |
HM-1140 | The error needs more information to diagnose a connector issue. |
Key | Summary |
HM-858 | Status of sub-task coming wrong when overall execution failed |
HM-873 | Intermittently there is a mismatch in loaded_rows displayed in the load task vs the actual rows loaded in the target table |
HM-915 | Load: driver support plugin throws ORA-02297: cannot disable constraint - dependencies exist error for foreign key |
Release 3.0.0
Key | Summary |
HM-294 | The updated file format is not POST’ed on the Continuous Compliance Engine if the file format name is the same |